Become Top Rated

Become Top Rated

Top-rated status helps outstanding freelancers and agencies grow their businesses and become even more successful in the Upwork marketplace. When you earn this status, you'll be recognized through a badge on your profile and rewarded with exclusive perks, including increased access to client projects.
You become "Top Rated" by building an impressive reputation on Upwork. You must have a proven history of success with multiple clients, delight your clients every time with high-quality work, and contribute to a safe and vibrant marketplace by knowing and following the Upwork Terms of Service.

To earn and maintain top-rated status as a freelancer, or agency with two or more members, you must have:
  • A personal or agency Job Success score of at least 90%
· If the agency owner has a Job Success score, it also must be 90% or higher
· 12-month earnings of at least $1,000 for freelancers or $10,000 for agencies
  • An account in good standing with no recent account holds (including yourself, your agency, or all agency members)
  • A 100% complete freelancer or agency owner profile with photo (90% for those who brought their profiles over from Elance)
· Agencies profiles are required to include a logo, overview, and services offered
· Agency member profiles must average at least 60% complete
  • At least 30 days of work history on Upwork
· Active on the platform in the past 90 days You can manage your success on Upwork by:
  • Tracking your business metrics
· Freelancers - See your Job Success score, 12-month earnings, and more on your My Stats page
· Agencies - Check your Job Success score on your agency profile and 12-month earnings on the Certificate of Earnings report Perks As a top-rated freelancer or agency, you'll receive:
  • A badge on your Upwork freelancer profile
  • Exclusive invitations to submit proposals
  • Personalized tips to strengthen your profile
  • Premium customer support, including phone and chat
· Private access to the Top-Rated Community forum As a top-rated agency, you'll also receive:
  • A badge on your Upwork agency profile
A badge on your agency members' profiles - if they have enough history to have a Job Success score, it will be a Top Rated badge, if they do not yet have enough history, it will be a Rising Talent badge


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